Risky Business at the Torrance Art Museum
I am so proud to have my painting “Singing Tree” included in this dynamic group exhibition titled, “Risky Business - A Painter’s Forum at the Torrance Art Museum, Torrance, CA. The exhibit dates March 30, 2024 - May 4, 2024. Curated by Marie Thiebault and Max Presneill, Risky Business gathered together twenty shockingly dynamic paintings by twenty painters from across the country.
From the Press Release: “ As concerns and expectations of AI begin to dominate the narrative in our increasingly technologically dependent society some artists reply with the personal mark, risk taking, chance, the unknown endpoint, the mystery to produce a reflection of a living, very human experience.
Audrey Tulimiero Welch, “Singing Tree”, 2023, Acrylic, flashe, spary paint on canvas, 48 x 48”