Approaching the StillPoint of Turbulence

March 7 - 30, 2024

Russo Lee Gallery, Portland, OR

Meet the artist Reception Thursday, March 7, 5-7pm

“Love in the Nick of Time”, 2024, Acrylic, flashe, plaster on canvas

As a painter, this is what painting allows for me. It allows a way in and through all that does not make sense, all that is difficult. Somehow, in the space of a rectangular piece of canvas, life in its fullness, throbbing and overflowing is present. I hope the viewer will discover the work’s calm serenity in and through its pulsing energy that is so reminiscent of our collective turbulent and vibrant life.
— Audrey Tulimiero Welch

Artist Statement

I construct emotive abstract paintings that map suffering, loss, and the capacity of the human spirit to heal and transform. Heavily steeped in process, I apply acrylic paint thickly, thinly, poured, and troweled on stretched canvases in a range of sizes, from six foot to intimately scaled works on paper.  Functioning as a way-finder, line in my work creates spatial depth and is drawn with pencil, crayon, tape, and ballpoint pen. Plaster and masking fluid are applied like a skin that conceals underlying brush marks. Through layers of frenetic linear elements, pours of translucent paint, and opaque skins of plaster, each painting in this exhibit arrives at a state that merges turbulence and stillness.

For me, all of this process is a metaphor for life and the difficulties you go through. It’s a regenerative space, where similar to life, I take my paintings through a rigorous process of building up, tearing down, and then remaking them and being surprised.

As a painter, this is what painting allows for me. It allows a way in and through all that does not make sense, all that is difficult.  Somehow, in the space of a rectangular piece of canvas, life in its fullness, throbbing and overflowing is present. I hope the viewer will discover the work’s calm serenity in and through its pulsing energy that is so reminiscent of our collective turbulent and vibrant life.

 - Audrey Tulimiero Welch, March 2024